Sarah Smith

Sarah Smith has a strong and diverse experience base including 15 years at Monash Children’s Hospital providing services to children of all ages with dietary issues relating to growth, gut disorders, disabilities, nutritional deficiencies, food intolerances and weight concerns.

Sarah Smith Lagom Nutrition

Sarah has a particular interest in eating disorders within both children and adults, and established the dietetic program at the Butterfly Eating Disorder Day Program. She has completed research into nutritional recovery from an eating disorder and training in family-based therapy, motivational interviewing, acceptance and commitment therapy, MANTRA based therapy, and cognitive behavioural therapy.

Sarah has a particular interest in those with emotional eating concerns, long term disordered eating from a history of dieting, and ARFID.

Sarah has also continued to work with adults and is particularly interested in supporting individuals improve their relationship with food and non-diet weight management, gut disorders including irritable bowel syndrome and the FODMAPs approach.

Sarah enjoys helping everyone address their specific food concerns in an individualised and manageable way. She has a very compassionate approach and works hard to identify an individual’s needs for dietary input and to then tailor therapy to meet those needs. She never tires of providing freedom and energy to those who have been in discomfort or restricted by their food issues.

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What our clients say:

In only my second session Sarah made a pivotal connection. Through all the dietitians and psychologists I’ve seen, I’d never been able to get to the crux of it and Sarah just put her finger on it. Now I understand I can do something with it.

A.B, 36 year old female

What to expect

There is no need to bring in food records or complete lengthy paperwork. Sarah will spend time with you in the initial session to get to know your goals for work, and your story around food and your body. You can expect a compassionate approach where she will gently explore your concerns with you and make sure the session is tailored to you or your child as an individual.

Initial sessions are 50 minutes in length, to allow a full assessment. Follow Up sessions are set at a frequency determined together with Sarah and may continue at the 50 minute duration, or may be shortened to 25 minutes.

Sarah is an accredited dietician, allowing you to access Medicare and Private Health rebates.

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Enquiries and booking